
HR Products

Encapsulated transformers Encapsulated transformers

The HR encapsulated transformers guarantee the reliability of your electronic applications, due to their design and manufacture that the know-how HR vouches for in its long and recognized history of the technology of high tension.

Encapsulated transformers

The wide range of HR transformers cover all the applications: pimaries of 115 V, 230 V, 380 V or doubles fo 115 V and secondaries of 4,5V to 24V simples, doubles or center tapped. With power between 0.35 VA to 20VA and for ambient temperatures about 40º C or 70º C and termic classes B or F on demand.

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Conventional transformers Conventional transfomers

HR conventional transformers in their diferent configuration of secondary simple, dual secondary or center tapped are the perfect version for its assembling in chassis and metallic boxes.

HR technology managed to improve considerably this classic product: optimizing its energy yield, improving the transformer's issolation, and increasing its reliability notably.

The standard range goes from 2.5VA to 18VA and the primary is the center tapped type (125v-220v) and the secondary can be: simple, dual, center tapped for 4.5v - 6v - 7.5V - 9v - 12v - 15v - 18v -24v voltages.

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Toroidal transformers Toroidal transfomers

HR toroidal transformers are specially indicated for reduced space applications and low magnetic radiation. Its easy assembling process is one of its main characteristics.

HR toroidal transformers standard range goes from 20VA to 1500VA. Its secondary dual configuration and its extensive voltage range allow you to arrange any voltage you may need by means of series of parallel assembling.

Its compact constitution allows volume and weight reduction close to the 50% with regard to type EI conventional transformers.

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Ignition transformers Ignition transfomers

HR Ignition transformers guarantee internal isolation thanks to its resine encapsulated Epoxy 94V-0 and allow its funcionality under high humidity external conditions.

In printed circuit version or superior chimney exit version allow its use in gas ignition, gasoil, cleaning by air ionization or electronic ozonizers applications.

Series index

ADSL splitters and filters ADSL splitters and filters

Complete range of ADSL splitters for conventional lines (POTS), RDSI, combined, and for resistive or complex line impedances, covering the different standards from telephone companies all arround the world.

ST version includes Switch and Test system, which allows the verification of voice and data lines.

ADSL microfilters have different connection formats (simple, T, alarm) as well as different line impedances.

AM filters to avoid radio transmitter connection to the phone line.

Types and features | Models index | Models by country

Mains filters and PFC Coils Mains filters and PFC Coils

Net filters of diferent formats for consumer and professional applications which will facilitate the optimization of radiation suppression circuits.

P.F.C. coils (power factor control) of essential use in the switch mode power supply circuits.

Series index

_("Inveters") Inverters

Modified and Pure Sine-Wave Inverters for all kind of applications where there is no access to the electrical net.

High range of products to adapt to every application needs.

  • For battery entries tension of 12/24V DC.
  • High variety of output power according to the application needs.
  • Domestic ranges, MODIFIED and PURE SINE WAVE.
  • Professional ranges, MODIFIED and PURE SINE WAVE.

See the product specifications in order to find the most suitable one for your application, or consult to our technical service.

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